I'm totally into bowling now. haha.
Last night made me discover my hidden talent.
I didn't even need to wear those dorky bowling shoes to strike, ooops i mean 3 strikes. xxx
Sadly i had to team up with
mr disusting(spelling error intended) who insisted on throwing his curved balls.
It took him 1 whole game to master that stupid curve ball tactic. -.-
I hafta admit kim was the KILLERXXXX last night.
i guess her hidden talent(more talented than mine) decided to
emerge out and blow us with her backwards roll.
or maybe it's just because mr secret admirer was there. *cough cough* haha.
Sann was SUPER in the initial stage but lost it after awhile.
:( Nevertheless, her slow and steady tactic had me striking yo!(i stole her move)
Last night was highly entertaining and it's a pity my favourite bad girl couldn't join us.
we miss you girlie! Kinda wierd seeing cole without you.
that poor girl, love sick made her tummy turn against her. (i'm kiddin)
Anyway the bottom line is to hurry get your skinny ass back here to stinkapooo!!!!
SARAH LEK CALLING ONCE, TWICE, SOLD... TO LEONA TAN.(that lovely lady on the right who is currently stuck in stinkapoooo!!)